Saturday, April 24, 2010


First off to avoid any confusion, I must admit that I'm biased when it comes to Google. I've always been a big fan of the two founders, what they have accomplished and how they generally conduct business when compared to other big corporations. I use just about anything they can dish at me, especially their string of online applications. They're free, they're great, I use them, So there...!
A lot has been said about Google and privacy. Some people don't even use their gmail application because they're somehow afraid that every email sent is read in the basement of Google's HQ by an army of whistle blowers with a direct phone line to a slew of powerful government agencies. And some also feel threatened by Google's Earth's street view. I think it's cool to see my country house in street view. I was just relieved that I didn't have the contents of my basement strewn across the front lawn for a yard sale when they took the picture. Privacy on or off the web has never been an issue with me. Why...? Simply because I don't lie, steal, cheat on my wife, grow pot, download porn, plot to overthrow the government or live in a glass house where I occasionally hang from the ceiling naked, whilst a 6 foot German dominatrix shrink wrapped in black leather flogs my genitals with a miniature whip.
There are only two intrusions of privacy I really hate and worry about. The first one is being disturbed when I'm naturally evacuating yesterday's food intake, quietly reading a paper. I don't want to answer questions through the door, be notified that somebody called or worse, incited to get the job done quickly so someone else can use the facilities.
The second one, the one that everybody should be worrying about is the credit information that the banks and other financial institutions peddle around behind our backs. In today's bottom line world, this is how we are measured as individuals. Our capacity to borrow and reimburse is paramount and determined by cold, calculating people we've probably never met. They rank us, and will, without prior warning, destroy our credibility at the blink of an eye. Anyone who has ever experienced an error related problem with a credit card company, bank or other financial institution will attest to this. Credit hell..! And worse, to untangle a mess you never created in the first place, you need to have a phone surgically attached to your ear so when someone answers after two and a half days, you can beg them to review your status.
These people have more info and power on us than any government ever will. If you find this a tad on the paranoia side then ask yourself this question...Why did we get a World Bank before we got a World Government..?Big Brother is here. He doesn't want to read your funny emails or watch you when your blinds aren't closed. He wants you to spend beyond your means. Because in a capitalist world, debt is the best known form of subjugation.

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