Friday, April 30, 2010

I miss G.W.

I miss Georges W. Bush. This may seem odd to you, even disturbing coming from me. Don't get me wrong. I hated him as much as you can hate anybody. I almost set my alarm to wake up in the middle of the night so I could hate him more, not having enough hours during the day.
But life was interesting, even exhilarating when W was around. It felt like the sixties when anything could happen and it usually did. We were sort of living on the edge not knowing if or when we would be propelled into a nuclear war of epic proportions. He could have gotten up in the middle of the night to pee and instead of flicking the light switch, he could have pressed the Armageddon button and initiated our ultimate demise. The guy was an idiot. Even his handlers must have shit in their pants a few times. I don't really get that feeling of insecurity from Obama. Sure, he also has his handlers, but he's smart and I doubt if he would engage in morally reprehensible acts even when pushed to do so for the good of the nation.

How an idiot like W became president is beyond comprehension. Georges started out being pelted by eggs at his inauguration parade but later on in his mandate, in a short time span of 24 hours, he became the Supreme Commander. GI Joe in the oval office. 9/11 was to G.W.Bush what Casablanca was to Bogart. A starring role and he played it to a tee. If anything, I would certainly have given the guy an Oscar for the performance of a lifetime, considering is limited mental capacities and dismal background.
'' In the role of leader of the free world, the winner is....''

Yes folks, it seems that a dozen or so crazy Arabs with less flying experience than a turkey, armed with box cutters and a scenario straight out from Hollywood, foiled the most protected air space in the world and propelled Junior to greater heights and power than even his dad had ever attained during office. From that day on, the whole New World, armed with sophisticated satellites, ubiquitous spies, military intelligence and an enormous deployment of ground troops, invaded hostile countries and went looking for a six foot Arab who apparently lived in a cave somewhere between here and Pakistan, and who incidentally, popped up in threatening videos every time life seemed to be getting back to normal.

I too fell for the official story at first. But then little bells started to ring left and right. Questions went unanswered and pieces of the puzzle went missing. A couple of web sites sprung up with the same questions. Le RĂ©seau Voltaire for one, started analyzing the attack on the Pentagon. Then came The Scholars for 9/11 Truth. A very in depth look at the official story and how it doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
Then I found this video from The Power Hour, In Plane Sight. What's interesting about this effort to uncover the truth is that it takes photos and videos we've all seen but were too caught up in the moment to really notice anything. What especially got to me in this video is the footage of the second plane hitting the tower.
There are no distinguishable markings on the plane, and guess what...there are no windows.

Kind of odd for a commercial flight don't you think..? I mean... I've heard of no frills flights but this is ridiculous. I hope they were at least offered free peanuts before the crash.
Better yet....These anomalies are confirmed live on TV by a Fox reporter who was there by chance that day.

9 years later, the memories of that fatal day are waning as fast as the interest for Paris Hilton and her sexual antics. I think it would be fair to those who died and their loved ones that we keep lit the flame of truth, so that the real perpetrators of this attack on freedom be brought forward to answer for their despicable deeds.
I once read a quote that resonated even louder after the September 11th events.
"After lying to the electorate for decades, the only instrument of control left to the politicians is fear".

Footnote: My favorite G.W.Bush joke.
You're a photo journalist covering flash floods in Texas. Suddenly, from the bank of a raging river you spot G.W.Bush clinging to a branch and on the verge of drowning. You only have time to either save him and be a hero or snap a Pulitzer prize winning photo.Now here's the trick question.....
Which lens do you use!

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