Saturday, April 10, 2010

Flip side

Today I thought we'd have a little fun with Adobe Photoshop, probably the best piece of software ever written. When I was a kid, I got a kick out of Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hyde and how the bad side in each and everyone of us is only a thin layer away. Then, growing up, this dichotomy of sorts was resurfaced by one of my all time favorite authors, Edgar Allan Poe, and specifically in the story William Wilson.
What the hell does Photoshop have to do with Edgar Poe you're probably wondering. Well, when I started doing darkroom work, we use to do trick imagery.
One of my personal favorites was to combine the same half of a face by flipping the negative. Since our facial features are asymmetric, the results are often puzzling to say the least. Of course, this is where Photoshop is used in lieu of getting our hands wet in a badly ventilated homemade darkroom while preventing your loved ones from using the crapper as you dabble at your craft.
Let's take our fearless leader, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for example. You'll see in the middle pic from the PM's website, that he looks the part. Caring yet firm,even genuine.

Everything you would expect from a guy who's daily job is to run a country in the free world. Now take a look at flip #2 on the left. This guy looks like the kind of guy you would trust without blinking an eye. Kind, benevolent, has a wife and kids, involved in the community, helps old ladies cross the street. Hell..! he even sings Beatles songs while playing the piano. We'll call him Angel Eyes.
Then there's this guy in flip pic #3 on the right.Let's call him The Prorogator. He comes across as being devious, antidemocratic and ready to sacrifice everybody's future, including his children's, for the sake of big oil interests,just like he did in Copenhagen.
The point here I guess is that, as there are two sides to every coin, there are two sides to every person. Unfortunately, like it plays out in Poe's William Wilson, Stephen Harper's bad side is slowly winning over the good and it's scary...

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