Sunday, August 8, 2010

Give it away

40 billionaires pledge to give half their fortunes to charity...Humm..!
The net was all abuzz with this grandiose announcement this week. From my perspective, I greet this with the same excitement that would bring on the fortuitous encounter between a garden snail and a ladybug. While I'm almost certain at least some good will come of this pledge initiated by Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, it's most definitely certain that this money will wind up in the hands of rich foundations whilst the neighborhood soup kitchens will still be struggling and looking for handouts.

The people listed on the roster have always gravitated in a sphere that seldom had any contact with the real world. Buffet after this massive give away will be left with a paltry 460 million. I hope he manages to get by with that measly amount...trimming down on planned space flights and selling a few castles might do it. It's noble for these rich cats to share the wealth, or so it seems, but it leaves me with a sense of unnerving suspicion.
How does one exactly become a billionaire..? Like the old adage " You can't make an omelet without breaking any eggs " I'm not sure if these people didn't wreck a few lives on their illustrious way to the top of the heap or shield their riches from the tax man in offshore bank accounts. I know for a fact that Gates ran Microsoft with business practices that rivaled the Mafia, strong-arming distributors and clients alike to the point where there are lawsuits pending against his company all over the world. As some guy put it bluntly on his blog "Gates should give the money back to people who spent their lives trying to make Windows work "

How many people in this world struggle to make ends meet and yet open the dismal contents of their wallets to charitable causes every year..? And what about those unsung heroes who give up their livelihood on a daily basis to help the needy in the worst places of the globe..? Of course they rarely get exposure because they don't own an island, a private turbo jet or a multitude of different companies. So the ultra rich are cornering the charity market and getting all the media hype....again..!

I remember when Jeff Bezos was made man of the year by Time magazine. He ran Amazon and was still 2 million in the red at that period. I thought to myself " What the f...." Is this the best we can do..? Forget about the tireless aid worker or the courageous doctor who leaves a very lucrative practice in the States to vaccinate orphans in Africa, we're talking big business here.

Somehow I equate this whole charity bonanza to the same level as McDonald's building hospitals for sick kids or Walmart giving away Xmas basket. It leaves a not so pleasant aftertaste in my mouth...just like a bad hamburger.

So basically, the Rockefellers of this world can do what they want with their riches to redeem themselves, just don't expect me to jump for joy or be impressed. If you really want to score points with me, disappear like Cat Stevens did...leaving fame and fortune behind. At least then, me and the rest of the world won't have you in our collective faces as a constant reminder of society's massive inequities.

Footnote: Agree or disagree...? Please leave a comment.

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